

      This audio clip is from an episode of Sonic Boom that I found from a compilation on YouTube, and I thought it was really funny and just long enough to make a good final project. I really enjoyed animating this and didn't even realize how long I had been working on it until I had finished. 

Walk Cycle

      I had a lot of fun with this project because I really enjoy bringing my characters to life, and creating full body movement like a walk cycle made this character feel really alive to me. I found a lot of enjoyment in adjusting her body language to add more personality to her movements and make her look happy even though she was just walking. 


      I had some trouble with this project because I had a bit of a time crunch while working on it. I definitely didn't give myself enough time to work on it, and the final product suffered because of it. Nevertheless, I learned from the experience and made sure to leave more time for myself in the future. 

Head Turn

      I really enjoyed this project because it was the first time I got to experiment with character animation. It was far more difficult than I anticipated, but I had so much fun with it and really enjoyed working with my characters and bringing them to life. 

Flour Sack Animation

      I had been listening to a lot of true crime podcasts prior to working on this project, and I found inspiration for this project in the minor paranoia and anxiety I was feeling after binging a little too many of them at once. It was fun creating a scenario for this flour sack and projecting an aspect of my own life onto it. 

Flour Sack Gesture Drawings

      I found this project a bit more difficult than I anticipated because I'm more accustomed to drawing people instead of objects. Trying to add character to a nonliving thing was a bit of a challenge, but I had a lot of fun trying it out. 

Bouncing Ball

      I had a more grand idea for this project, but my files ended up corrupted and I had to restart. Nevertheless, I thought that this came out well for what it was worth. I feel that it conveys enough of an idea and was a proper exercise in a bouncing ball.